Amber of Constructive Dialogue has pointed on that there is a website about a house by Kundig (the Maxon House) and a series of films about it's procurement.
Dwell magazine also has a blog about the house.

Gin and Tonic Fog Party
Artificial indoor fog made of Gin and Tonic
Gat Fog party is an artificial indoor meteorological phenomenon based in weather engineering for "cultural farming" purposes.
Performed CASCO, Utrech September 2004
Performed in Spazio Lima in 2005
Performed in Bilbao by Bombay Design Circuit 2009
Next: Valencia, Barcelona, Malaga and Madrid during 2009 and 2010
Food Facility AmsterdamAlso see Mediamatic for more photos, signage etc
Food Facility is a prototype for a Business model.
It comes from a commission of Mediamatic, on the idea to create a food-related project in the context of new media.
Food Facility is then a Platform, which mainly mixes Outsourcing, search engines and networking to improve as much as possible the infrastructure of any conventional restaurant in economical terms, and reflecting the way we perceive reality and all-day in the new media and internet era.
Food Facility is a restaurant with more than 9 Kitchens and lots of drinks.