Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Technical College Ultimo

Edited 6 Sept 2013. This post was about tours of the Ultimo College - a very fine building by William E Kemp. I don't think these tours still run though. Kemp also designed the Bourke St Public School in Surry Hills. UTS's own Dr Kirsten Orr is also a fan of Kemp's, so you should bother her about him and his work - try to bully her into a lecture.

Friday, June 17, 2011


I don't know if any of you still check this blog now that semester has finished (well, except for marking), but Designboom have just published this lovely project by a German firm called AMUNT. Very nice the way they have arranged 2 dwellings into a very small space - could have been a useful precedent for you.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Paris - fast

I expect none of you will have time today to watch this (see you all later) and it is almost 10 minutes long, but this is a fabulous and irresponsible way to see Paris.

It is Claude Lelouch's 1976 film C'était un Rendezvous. See wikipedia for more information. Apologies in advance for the cheesy ending.

Sadly also used for the video of Snow Patrol's rather lame song Open Your Eyes

Friday, June 3, 2011

Juror 3 - Anthony Gill

Anthony Gill of Anthony Gill Architects will also be coming in. Photograph below of Restaurant Berta is by Peter Bennetts.

Juror 2 - Marcus Trimble

Marcus Trimble of Bennett and Trimble and Super Colossal will be coming in. Image below of the Goldcoast Cultural and Civic Precinct Master Plan Competition win by Supercolossal (Marcus, Matthew Bennett and Erin Field)

Juror 1 - Huw Turner

Huw Turner of Collins and Turner will be returning for your final crits. Photograph below by Richard Glover.

Sadly, Georgina Blix is not available for your final juries.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Peter Zumthor

A little bit amazed to learn that some of you do not know Peter Zumthor's work. Please Google him. All his buildings are extraordinary. A few photos of the Kolumba Museum in Cologne by Helene Binet below (source is Dezeen):

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Pecha Kucha, Sydney, Volume 18

Marcus Trimble has advised that Pecha Kucha Sydney is on again tomorrow night (Thursday 2nd June) at the Carriageworks.

More Info


Anthony Gill, a friend of mine, will be presenting with many others.

Anish Kapoor, Olympic Orbit Tower

BD Online has shown time-lapse footage of construction of the London Olympic Orbit Tower by Anish Kapoor with Arup and Ushida Findlay:

Monday, May 30, 2011

How are we going?

Last day of studio before juries. For this reason, please bring in as much of your work as possible, in whatever its current form. Please think about how you would summarize your ideas and strategies in no more than 2 sentences. We'll use tomorrow as a rehearsal for your juries. Please be prompt (as almost all of you have been all semester - BTW thank you, it is appreciated), and spread your work out as soon as you get to studio.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Archivo Municipal de Toledo

I mentioned to Vivienne yesterday that many of Spain's cities have Municipal Archives. This is an image of the Archivo Municipal de Toledo by Mendaro Corsini. This beautiful photo is from a Flickr set by Pablo Echávarri. Mr Echávarri has beautiful photographs that are worth a look (his Flickr page here), including the Guggenheim in Bilbao (Gehry) and the Thermal Baths in Vals (Zumthor).

Automated warehouse

Here's a short video on automated storage systems. Lots more if you Google automated storage or automated warehouse.

SESC Pompéia / Lina Bo Bardi

Plataforma Arquitectura have been kind enough to publish a little feature on one of my favorite projects by one of my favorite architects: the SESC Pompéia by Lina Bo Bardi.

Images below from their feature (first photo by Pedro Kok, second from Usuario de Talleravd LG A77)

Monday, May 23, 2011

HdeM, 56 Leonard St

I think we may have briefly discussed this in studio. A nice example of the increasingly tired idea of "let's just stack things up". This is a project by Herzog de Meuron for NYC:

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Neutelings Riedijk, Museum aan de Stroom, Antwerp

One of last year's jurors, Mark Gazy, pointed out this scheme after mid-semester juries. See post here.

What is lovely and relevant is how this scheme celebrates the vertical spiral circulation - actually a network of closed and open spaces (reminiscent of Lin Seen's ideas).

It can be seen at the Neutelings Riedijk website, and at Bustler, which has published the photo below as well as lots of drawings.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Apartment in Barcelona

Sonni, one of the students for this subject last year, has made me aware of the video below.

You may also want to have a look at the earlier post regarding Gary Cheng's apartment in HK

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Johnston Marklee - Sale House

Thought I should draw your attention to this project by Johnston Marklee as Lars Holt, a friend of mine, worked on this project. Lars was part of the Danish contingent here last year from the Aarhus School of Architecture.

Info on the Sale House at Archdaily (source of the image below).

Do try to get to the lecture Monday evening. Please note this has moved to 7pm, Monday 23rd May 2011, Level 3 Room 322, Faculty of DAB

Lecture, Monday

Presume you all know about this, but Mark Lee of Johnston Marklee is giving a lecture at UTS Monday evening.

Lecture is titled Generic Specificity - Five Points for an Architecture of Approximation

Lecture at 7pm, Monday 23rd May 2011, Level 3 Room 322, Faculty of DAB

This will be worth attending. See you all there.

Image below from the Johnston Marklee website.

Museum of Ocean and Surf

Archdaily have recently published some of Iwan Baan's photos of the Museum of Ocean and Surf (Cité de l’Océan et du Surf, Biaritz) by Steven Holl Architects in collaboration with Solange Fabiao.

Celtic Museum by Kada Wittfeld Architektur

Alessandro has pointed in the direction of this project.

Alessandro's comments here.
Dezeen article here.
Kada Wiffeld Architektur webiste here.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Alvaro Siza, Fundação Iberê Camargo 2

This was the subject of a post last year too.

Photos below are by Duccio Malagamba, published at Dezeen.

There are plans and more photos at Archdaily.

Lots of Siza's work photographed by Fernando Guerra published at Últimas Reportagens.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Cien House, Pezo von Ellrichshausen

Worth having a look at the Cien House by Pezo von Ellrichshausen. Image below from Architectural Record. Photo by Cristóbal Palma.

Have a good look around the Pezo von Ellrichshausen website, they are very fine architects.

Cristóbal Palma's website also provides good access to good photos of good architecture. Definitely worth a browse.

Sejima's Okurayama Apartments

For very clever planning of apartments on a tight site have a look for Kazuo Sejima's Okurayama Apartments. The plan is beautiful. Iwan Baan has published photographs on his website (the photo below is one of them).

Have a good look at Iwan Baan's site as he has published lots of very fine photographs of very fine buildings.

Ryue Nishizawa

Some of the work presented last week reminded me of the very beautiful "Garden and House" by Ryue Nishizawa. The image below is from the El Croquis website.

The Canadian Centre for Architecture had a very beautiful exhibition on the work of Nishizawa and Stephen Taylor called Some Ideas on Living in London and Tokyo. The work of both Architects is very very good and the response of each to their respective cities is interesting. The catalogue of the exhibition is a very worthwhile purchase.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Waro Kishi

Huw Turner, one of your jurors, suggested I make you aware of Waro Kishi. A good idea. His website here.

Image below from this website.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

AGNSW Excursion

Caitlin has suggested a visit to the Art Gallery of NSW next Wednesday evening (18 May) see Caitlin's comments below).

I'd encourage you all to visit the Gallery and to wear your Architecture goggles. Walter Liberty Vernon's original building is very fine (pay attention to the facade as well as the interior). Andrew Anderson's first extension is, for me, his masterpiece. The Asian Wing by Johnson Pilton Walker is also very very fine.

The photographs below are by Max Dupain and show the lovely integration of the Anderson extension and Vernon's original building. The first photo is from an interview with Andersons and the second photo is from the National Archives of Australia.

I'd like to suggest perhaps another time though. The New Contemporary Galleries featuring the John Kaldor Family Collection opens on the weekend of the 21st. What I know of the Kaldor collection it'll be worth waiting for. Would there be any interest in a visit on Sunday 22nd or after Uni Wednesday on the 25th? I'd be happy to visit with you guys then (and show you my favorite bits), but only if more than 5 people are interested. Comment below to flag interest.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

More Orozco

Thanks Alessandro for the comment on Orozco below. I am a big fan too. I would love to see his La D.S. project (image below).

You might also be interested in the house that Orozco designed with Tatiana Bilbao. Abitare has published an article and Iwan Baan has lots of photos on his website. Image of the house below from Iwan Baan's site (which, if you haven't looked at yet, is wonderful).

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Juror 3

Huw Turner is a director of Collins and Turner. Huw has worked for Eva Jiricna, the Richard Rogers Partnership, Hassell Architects, was an associate at Foster and Partners, and established Collins and Turner with Penny Collins in 2002.

Juror 2

Tim Turner is a director of Constructive Dialogue Architects. The focus of Constructive Dialogue is community buildings - aged care, child care, supported accommodation and other building types where social issues are key.

Juror 1

Georgina Blix, a relatively recent UTS graduate, has agreed to come in next week. Georgina works at Tzannes Associates.

The image below is a montage from her project completed in a Masters Design Studio with Steve Harfield and myself in 2009.

Kursaal 2

And another:

Moneo's Kursaal

A few of my photos of the Kursaal in Donostia-San Sebastián by Rafael Moneo:

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Robbrecht en Daem

The roof access in Robbrecht en Daem's Dairy Project in Gaasbeek is quite lovely. Have a look by visiting their website (have a good look around - all their work is very good). Follow the menu Projects > Various > Dairy to find the Gaasbeek project.

Gabriel Orozco

Gabriel Orozco's Four Bicycles (There is Always One Direction), 1994.

From Art Tattler

Atelier bow wow: droog townhouse

Dutch design company Droog collaborated with Atelier Bow Wow on the design of a townhouse in Amsterdam. It seems a hotel is also on the drawings boards.

Some information at Designboom, Dezeen and Droog's website.

Contempt (Le Mépris)

A well as being directed by Jean-Luc Godard, the film is based on a novel by Alberto Moravia and stars Brigitte Bardot, Michel Piccoli, Jack Palance, Fritz Lang and, of course, the Casa Malaparte - all superstars in their own way.

Someone has been nice enough to upload bits of Contempt (Le Mépris) that feature the Casa Malaparte onto Youtube:

Casa Malaparte

One of the buildings mentioned yesterday. Designed by the client, Curzio Malaparte with early work by Adalberto Libera. Built by Adolfo Amitrano, a local stone mason.

Decent entry at Wikipedia.

Images below from Wikipedia.

The house is also featured in Jean-Luc Godard's film Contempt (Le Mépris).

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Easter Break

I trust you've all had a productive break (I had a quick study tour of Beijing - hence the silence).

It's important you attend studio this Wednesday. I have not seen enough of your work to understand progress and it would be something of a risk to reveal your work to me for the first time on the day of assessment. Please bring everything you can, regardless of how legible it is - that said, don't do any expensive prints and if you have a cumbersome model, then photos will do (this week only). The idea will be for each of you to practice a presentation and for all of you to assist one another improve work and presentation. See you all soon.

Other fine libraries

Gunnar Asplund's Stockholm Public Library
Jože Plečnik's National and University Library of Slovenia

Respective images (from Wikipedia) below:

Phillips Exeter Library

Louis Kahn's Exeter Library is also very well worthwhile to look at. Amongst the very many beautiful ideas is the use of carrels to articulate the facade. Image below is from Wikipedia. The entry is a good place to start your research on this very very fine building.

Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève

Any time that you have to learn about Henri Labrouste's Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève is time very well spent. Images below from Wikipedia.